Saturday, September 8, 2007

So, this was supposed to be an image I made for the banner on this page, but alas, the darn thing is too big to fit, so here it is, with my own custom "Frye wheel" included. Actually, doing a simple image search on Frye, I came across a wheel that was similar, although not as detailed or exactly the same strategy as mine. But, since Frye aligns his genre map with the four seasons, it makes sense to approach them as a circular, recursive structure. The spatial arrangement in a visual structure, such as the wheel, also emphasizes the relationships between the genres, for example, comedy and tragedy don't really meet, except that sometimes there is irony in both. Romance and Irony/Satire do not overlap either. If you are watching Lord of the Rings (an excellent example of romance), in which the hero(es) have magical powers over their world, in which they are admirable characters, you are unlikely to see them mocked or to see ironic content.

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